If you want to live a happy life,
tie it to a goal, not to a person or a thing.
Albert Einstein

I received my training to become a Health Coach from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City.
My education has equipped me with extensive knowledge of holistic nutrition, Health Coaching, and preventative health.
Drawing on these skills and my knowledge of different dietary theories, I personally work with my clients to help them make lifestyle changes that produce lasting results.
Before becoming a Health Coach I worked in publishing but I knew it was not my passion and I was yearning to find my purpose.
I was ready to find the kind of passion that makes you dream big, the passion that inspires you to come up with innovative ideas every day.
I wanted to feel excited about my purpose and I wanted to surround myself with people that would support and share this passion.
My life changed forever when my father was diagnosed with a rare type of cancer. When I found out about his condition I felt powerless and filled with fear. I imPresstely wanted to know what I could to support him and I was curious to understand why this could have happened to him.
I started researching by reading various books on cancer, watching documentaries, going to conferences and meeting with doctors and holistic practitioners who were experts on the subject.
All of this information led me to understand how crucial nutrition is when it comes to our health.
There is an unbreakable bond between what we eat and chronic disease. Nutrition is the number one component we have for taking care of our health and for living a long life. Food is an extraordinarily powerful tool that can be used to support the body and in some cases it can be used to reverse disease.
At the time of my father’s diagnosis, I was living in New York City. I found the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and loved what the program had to offer so I began to formally study.
My education was incredibly inspiring and meaningful. I learned how to seek out the most optimally nutritious food, how to listen to my body and most importantly how the food we consume directly affects our health and vitality.
It gives me great joy to have found my passion.
I worked closely with my father on making healthy dietary changes and I saw vast improvements in his happiness and his vitality for a while.
Then it was hard to accompany him along his path. But when he passed, my mother and I found ourselves more aware, independent and stronger.
I could not be more grateful to my father for inspiring me to embrace a career that allows me to coach people on their road to greater health with which comes greater peace physically, mentally and spiritually. To witness this inner and outer transformation fills me with great pride and joy.

I am thankful to all those who said no.
It’s because of them I did it myself.Albert Einstein